青成 (Matin Design Associates),源于品牌设计服务的“基业长青、恒则有成”的价值观,是一家专注于品牌视觉研究与品牌视觉资产管理的专业化设计公司。Matin源意于法文中的清晨同音中文名,代表着我们对设计与生活哲学的态度。我们以用户、美学、实用三大标尺融会贯通为基础的设计理念,青成的核心是品牌视觉识别VIS设计系统、品牌策划传播咨询及产品视觉设计的升级。青成主创设计师成员平均有十年以上品牌设计项目操作经验,是企业创新打造独具竞争力的核心重器。青成创建于2010年深圳南油,我们从青年时代的理想和对设计的热忱一路成长,青成始终不渝的坚持为品牌客户建立面向未来、更加战略规范化的视觉识别系统悉力前行。并同客户品牌并肩作战、一起在市场中逾越发展中的阻碍和困境,并将国际成熟的品牌设计理念与清晰的视觉语言带给本土企业,为客户在市场竞争中创造更有魅力可持续性的品牌价值而勇毅前行。
MatinDesign Associates is a professional design company specializing in brand visual research and brand visual asset management. The Chinese name of Matin comes from the homophone of Matin in French, which represents our attitude towards design and life philosophy. Our design concept is based on the integration of user, aesthetics and practicality. The core of Matin is the upgrade of brand visual identity VIS design system, brand space SIS design and product visual design. Matin designer members have an average of more than ten years of experience in brand design project operation, which is the core tool for enterprises to innovate and create unique competitiveness. MatinDesign was founded in Shenzhen Nanyou in 2010. We have grown from the ideals of our youth and our enthusiasm for design. MatinDesign has always insisted on building a future-oriented, more strategic and standardized visual identity system for brand customers. And fight side by side with customer brands to overcome obstacles and difficulties in development in the market, bring international mature brand design concepts and clear visual language to local enterprises, and create more attractive and sustainable products for customers in market competition. Brand value and courage to move forward.
㊀ 品牌战略咨询 Brand strategy consulting
㊁ 话语体系构建 Construction of discourse system
㊂ 视觉体系设计 Visual system design
㊃ 整合营销飞轮 Integrated Marketing Flywheel
㊄ 营销数字传播 Marketing Digital Communications